lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

sanidad publica o privada

Public / private healthcare

Since the introduction of Social Security, more than 70 years, public healthcare has continued to be no longer a necessary good, but the mechanism of progressive improvement of the health of the population. Largely thanks to her, especially in preventive, primary care and urgent care, life expectancy has increased and care of chronic and degenerative processes have improved the quality of life of patients and their suffering relieved so very important. All this has been used the population, which, of course, increasingly required. These days no one questions the need for public health, it can only be talk about how to achieve the goal of quality care with the means available.

The hospital brings together teams of specialists to help them fulfill their mission, impossible to achieve in isolation. The reason for the hospital group is coordinated clinical equipment needed for specialized treatment, consisting of doctors, nurses, orderlies and administrative. Ancillary services such as cleaning, laundry, catering, maintenance, were outsourced to different degrees in Spain, through public tenders. Some, such as cleaning, since the beginning of operation of public hospitals. This has occurred independently of governments. Payment of rent of a building is a step in that outsourcing, which, like those, it may be more profitable, and this is important if the system does not lose quality as resources are limited.

The cooperation of public and private within health systems has always existed in Western countries. Concerts with private hospitals or free insurance of certain tests or treatment of relatively common diseases contribute to alleviate the excessive burden of hospital care for more specialized and innovative activity. Moreover, it is a compensatory mechanism limiting the choice of doctor by the patient and the waiting list necessarily derive from universal free care.

If the only purpose for that dialogue between stakeholders is not getting adequate and sustainable assistance, there will always be conflicting positions. In the World Health Report 2000 are recommended for comparative studies of health systems, indices are as system accessibility, quality, performance, cost control and transparency, equity and efficiency. The ideological charge that was tried this document is displayed in the debate aroused. A journalist described it in The Wall Street Journal, as "health care to Karl Marx," while Vicente Navarro, in the Lancet, described it as "a speaker of the political and financial circles EE.? UU. ".

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